Impressions after first coaching session
What was happening for you before reaching out to me?
I was overwhelmed by the demands of running a business, being the primary parent to two children and having a partner who was often absent due to his own work commitments. I was struggling to find a routine, constantly feeling tired and I wasn’t able to focus my attention in order to perform any task particularly well.
What were you hoping to resolve or improve?
I was hoping to gain clarity, to prioritise my daily and weekly tasks and hopefully find some relief from the constant demands.
How do you feel as a result of our chat?
Relieved! I was able to see that in order to take care of everyone else I needed to first take care of myself. Kanchana helped me to see that making time for myself wasn’t an indulgence it was a necessity.
What was one of the biggest takeaways that you’ve gotten?
I learned that I need to make time for myself each day in order to function as a parent and a business owner. Prioritising exercise helped me develop a routine, as well as calming my mind to enable me to be more effective in all other areas of my life. The conversation with Kanchana helped me to give myself permission to prioritise myself.
What would you say to someone who is considering working with me?
Working with Kanchana is like talking to a supportive, intelligent and wise friend. She gently guides you to reframe your own thinking in order to optimise your circumstance or overcome an obstacle.
I love that working with her doesn’t require delving deep into your past, which can often feel like going backwards before you can go forwards.
Rather Kanchana’s approach enables you to accelerate your life with minimal interruption, simply by helping identify road blocks and giving you strategies to deal with them.
Joanna L
Impressions after multiple coaching sessions
What was happening for you before reaching out to me?
Anxiety was dominating my daily life. I was having trouble dealing with these feelings as well as experiencing frequent panic attacks, which caused me feeling overwhelmed and stuck quite often. Mostly triggered by loud noises and crowds, I was unable to manage myself in these situations.
What are you hoping to resolve or improve?
To find some understanding of what I was experiencing, as well as ways I could manage myself.
How do you feel as a result of our chat?
A sense of relief, that my feelings were understood by someone else. And that there were ways I could deal with these obstacles.
What was the biggest take away that you’ve gotten?
I’ve made significant progress managing myself when overwhelmed along with the anxious feelings I would experience. I feel at peace with my thoughts and emotions.
What would you say to someone who is considering working with me?
Talking with Kanchana has improved my day-to-day life outstandingly. I’m overall a happier person, and find dealing with my emotions and stress much easier. Working with her has helped more than I could ever imagine, and I am overly grateful for her support.
Elle F
Impressions after multiple coaching sessions
What was happening to me before reaching out to Kanchana?
I was not in a good place with a lot of different people and grief and I felt lost in myself.
What are you hoping to improve or resolve?
I’m hope to improve my relationship with my husband with communication and resolving issues without it, turning into an argument.
And going away afterwards feeling better about the issues not upset or not valued for my opinion.
Not scared of approaching him about things not walking around on eggshells.
How do you feel as a result after our chat?
I feel 100% better and myself and day-to-day life and able to approach my husband with sensitive issues and not coming away feeling negative or as if I haven’t got anywhere I literally feel like my insides have changed my whole world has changed my day-to-day life not just with my husband, but my family and my friends and my work, my confidence in myself, not reaching for the wine to alter my feelings. You have changed my way of thinking about my life and how I approach things and day-to-day life.
What is one of the biggest takeaways you have gotten?
My biggest improvement is that I now don’t feel anxious or worried, or scared about going into a conversation about big issues with my husband, or taking on anything new as I have 100% my confidence in myself. And I don’t have that fear in my stomach any more and if it does come up, I now know how to deal with it and that’s because I use the tools and think about how I’m going to handle things differently than before I started talking with Kanchana.
My first conversation I felt my insides deflate in a good way.
And I look forward to my phone calls with kanchana and get soooo… much out of her knowledge that it blows me away every time! I just wish I had done it sooner in my life!!!
What would you say to someone who’s considering working with me?
Do it do it do it!! You will not regret one minute or cent!
It will change your life forever! I wish I had spoken with kanchana years ago!
I feel it would have save me a lot of heartache. I can’t thank her enough her knowledge is invaluable!
Jo M
Impressions after multiple coaching sessions
What was happening for you before reaching out to me?
Before reaching out to Kanchana I was feeling very low and lost. I was constantly having negative thoughts, I was not living in the present and I was not motivated to do anything even those things I love most.
What are you hoping to resolve or improve?
I was hoping to understand why I felt this way and ways that I can work on improving my mindset, find happiness in things again and stop self sabotaging.
How do you feel as a result of our chat?
I felt really great after speaking with Kanchana. It was great having someone listen to me that had no biases.
What was one of the biggest takeaways that you’ve gotten?
To be present in life is one of the biggest lessons that Kanchana taught me. Also understanding that when people say things to me that I find upsetting they often do not mean to upset me. As people have different ways of interpreting comments and also different backgrounds that make people believe that it is okay to say somethings or act a certain way. Instead of getting upset I need to remember we are different
What would you say to someone who is considering working with me?
I would say that they should absolutely work with Kanchana, just having someone there to listen to you who does not know you personally makes a massive difference.
Kanchana was so lovely and I am forever grateful for Kanchana and that I made the decision to speak with her.
What was happening for you before reaching out to me?
I felt like I was existing and not living. I forgot who I was as a person and a mother. Felt like I didn't have a belonging, also second guessed everything I did. Wasn't sure if my relationship was toxic or if I was being dramatic. I also had a lack of self love and found it hard to forgive myself for past mistakes.
What were you hoping to resolve?
How I felt about my relationship, a more positive outlook when it came to my future. Learning and knowing that I am strong enough and I shouldn't have to change. Learning how to love me for me, how to self sooth, ground myself, figure out who I am as a person.
How do you feel as a result of our chat?
I feel like I am a lot stronger than I think I am. I feel more grounded in the decisions I make when it comes to my values/decisions/ boundaries. It's made me more aware of my surroundings and the people that are affecting it in a more negative way. I leave every week feeling like I'm ready to take on the world and anything the world may try and test me.
What was one of the biggest takeaways that you’ve gotten?
More self love, feeling and acknowledging my emotions and not sweeping issues under the carpet. Realising that I can only change me and no-one else. I am in control of my energy and who I share it with, who deserves it and who brings me down.
To have boundaries and not let people walk all over them. Rewiring my brain to think more POSTITIVE and how to SHIFT bad emotion. Not let negative PONDER. Be kind to ourselves. Respect my values. THE LIST IS ENDLESS!!
What would you say to someone who is considering working with me?
Working with Kanchana has taught me that life is what we make it. She has bought light into some of my darkest issues that I thought I could never heal from. She's so easy to talk to, and I instantly feel comfortable and ready to open up.
Kanchana has given me realistic tools to deal with ongoing issues before I react, or in life in GENERAL. I no longer feel heavy.
I highly recommend Kanchana, she's super professional but can also have a laugh.
Invest in your future, your happiness.
Nadia J
Impressions after multiple coaching sessions
Kanchana gets you being really conscious of your own thought process
What was happening for you before reaching out to me?
I was feeling very stuck in a rut and unable to find my way forward
What were you hoping to resolve?
To understand why I felt so stuck and remove the blocker/s
How do you feel as a result of our chat?
Awesome! I'm moving forward and making steps I was just not making a couple of months ago
What was one of the biggest takeaways that you’ve gotten?
I'm SO much more present
What would you say to someone who is considering working with me?
Kanchana gets you being really conscientious of your own thought process. I never knew how much time I spent thinking about things that haven't happened or things that had happened with no way I could re-write them. It was literally hours a day!
With just some understanding of where my mind would go, and just some tweaks to that, I have literally hours back in my day, to be more present and actually focus on what I can do now. I'm so grateful I met Kanchana.
Clients thoughts ...
Alissa 26/3/2022
It was amazing working with Kanchana, on helping me to re set the negative ideas I had in my mind about myself. I was shocked at how quickly I noticed a change in my behavior. I have begun my journey to handle better...stressful situations I have in my life, due to health issues and relationships.
Kanchana helped me to find the words that felt real and true to me…she guided me towards what I was actually thinking and feeling, that was being masked by other emotions. She helped me to dig deep! We didn't need to rehash or dive deep into the past, instead how to close doors or ways to cope going forward and in the now!
I had many life bulb moments and have made some big changes in the way I process my thoughts and speak to myself. I am even sleeping better! I honestly can't thank her enough! She's just got it. She made me feel comfortable,safe, inspired and heard. I would highly recommend you take a journey with Kanchana and give yourself time and love and change x
Abby 23/2/22
I had a fantastic experience working with Kanchana. Her techniques enabled me to turn around negative and damaging thought processes and change my way of thinking when interacting and engaging in my general life situations and especially relationships challenges.
I most definitely will work with Kanchana again and absolutely recommend her skills to anyone.
Denise Rollinson 23/2/22
Kanchana is warm and lovely to chat to. Kanchana help my daughter clarify her thoughts and gave her the tools to help action her obstacle in one session. We are truly grateful. We highly recommend Kanchana to anyone.